Monday, September 24, 2007

Weight Loss Tips

Water Water Water
If you are dehydrated you WILL NOT lose weight. Fill a big bottle with 64oz of water (2.2 liters) every morning and empty it by the evening!
Institute an Evening Food Curfew
Stop eating 2-3 hours before you go to sleep
Write everything down that goes in your mouth, food and liquid. If it's too hard to do everyday try every other day. This will help you see where you are overindulging or need to remember to eat. Don't forget the weekends. We tend to give ourselves a break on the weekends. Write down what you eat, you will probably be surprised.


Lindsay @ Splat Designs said...

That is one of my main problems... I do not think I drink enough water!
I have started using a HUGE cup at home and I know that i only have to fill it up 3 times to get the "recommended" amount of water... unless Travis decides he needs a few sips! LOL
Hopefully I can make this a a norm for my days...

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